segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2012

Contenúdos das Testes Globais – Basic English

Teacher:  Mary Zietlow
5th grade / 6oAno
·         School subjects
·         Days of the week
·         Periods of the day: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night
·         Talking about likes and dislikes
·         Talking about a class schedule
·         Asking and telling the time
·         Apologizing and accepting apologies: Sorry, That’s alright, No problem
·         Verbs: like, don’t like, love, hate
·          have / don’t have
·         Prepositions : on, in or at

6th grade/ 7oAno
·         Talking about travelling
·         Reading an e-ticket
·         Requests and permissions:  Can I…?  Can you …?
·         Talking about what one likes and doesn’t like to do:  I love verb+ing
·         would liketo / would love to
·         Why?  Because…
·         Describing routes
·         Prepositions of movement: along, through, from … to
·         Sports
·         Countries
·         Adjectives
·         Airport related words
·         Go abroad
·         Means of transportation

7th grade / 8oAno
·         Making predictions about the future: There will / may / might be…
·         Technology related words
·         Occupations
·         Talking about health problems
·         Listening to the doctor’s recommendations
·         must, mustn’t + infinitive for obligations
·         Health problems
·         What’s the matter with you?
·         Expressing the idea of excess: too + adjective
·         Parts of the body
·         Adjectives to describe the body
·         Giving advice
·         Expressing concern about a friend
·         Discussing eating disorders
·         Mustn’t versus don’t have / need to
·         Should / shouldn’t

8th grade / 9oAno
·         Describing physical appearance and personality
·         What does he look like?  What is he like?
·         Adjectives for describing people
·         Talking about body art
·         Relative clauses: who, which, that, where
·         Designs
·         Talking about online magazines
·         Magazine sections
·         Describing people you like and admire
·         Writing about a hero
·         Pronouns one, ones
·         Clothes and physical appearance

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